
Home > Templates

Templates in Basildon are all written in the Twig templating language. They can output any format that's required. Basildon provides a few variables functions, and filters for common website use cases; these are explained on this page.


  1. page – An object representing the current page being rendered. It has the following members:
    • page.body: The unmodified body text, good for piping through filters such as md2html and md2latex.
    • page.metadata: All the metadata defined in the page's frontmatter.
    • Creates a relative URL to another page.
  2. database - The database, the most useful attribute of which is database.query(sql).
  3. site – The site object, mostly used to access configuration values, e.g. site.config.title.


  1. commons(file_name) – Get information about a Wikimedia Commons file.
  2. flickr(photo_id) – Get information about a Flickr photo. To use this, you need to set the flickr.api_key and flickr.api_secret values in your site's config.local.yaml file.
  3. qrcode(text) – Returns an asset-directory path to a QR code SVG file, such as /assets/8a482ae2afb51a1de85b7eb9087f7cc2.svg. For example: <img src="{{'string')) }}" />
  4. wikidata(qid) – Returns information about the given Wikidata item. For example, {{ wikidata('Q42').descriptions.en.value }} will return something like "English writer and humorist". To get the full details of the returned structure, see e.g.
  5. wikidata_query(sparql) — Returns the result of the Sparql query from Wikidata. See the example in /example/templates/tag.html.twig.
  6. commons_query(sparql) — Returns the result of a Sparql query on Wikimedia Commons. This requires an authentication token to be added to config.yaml. Instructions for retrieving this token can be found on Commons, and an example for how to use the function is in /example/templates/shortcodes/commons_depicts_count.html.twig.
  7. wikipedia(lang, title) — Returns an HTML extract of the given article. For example: {{wikipedia('en', 'Tag (metadata)')|raw}}
  8. get_json(url) — Fetch JSON data from any URL. For example: {{get_json('').0.profile.LongName}}
  9. get_feeds(urls) — Fetch RSS or Atom feed items. The urls parameter can be a single URL string or an array, and the URLs can be of the feed or the website for which to attempt autodiscovery. An array is returned, each element of which is a Simplepie Item. For example: {{get_json('')}}

Filters and escapers

  1. md2html – Filter markdown to HTML.
  2. md2latex – Filter markdown to LaTeX.
  3. escape('tex') – Escaper to use in TeX templates to escape characters that have special meaning in TeX, e.g. {{ '$10'|e('tex') }}. This is often used by wrapping the template in {% autoescape 'tex' %}{% endautoescape %}
  4. dirname and basename — Identical to PHP's dirname() and basename() functions. Useful for working with Basildon page IDs.